Wednesday, July 31, 2013


One of my loves is shopping...and making sure I get a good deal!  I spent a couple of days away from home this past weekend and when I came back and opened the fridge...yuck!  The spinach didn't quite make it...that's for sure!

Today I did a thorough clean and tossed a lot of things that have been untouched for months.  That's one of the struggles of living alone and recovering from food don't realize how much food you actually have crammed in there!  At present...the fridge is pretty empty.  I hope to keep it that way overall, I think it will help me eat what I have before buying more.  I might just have to suppress the inner deal-maker!

Here is a little proof of the problem that I have...all items bought at 50-75% off...

That's right...a whole shelf and drawer dedicated to cheese!  2 stacks of chunk cheese, 1 stack of shredded cheese, 1 stack of cheese slices, 1 stack of string cheese...and those are just the unopened packages!  Before I started logging my food intake religiously I would eat cheese every time I wanted something salty.  Cheese and crackers...cheese and pretzels...cheese and an apple...cheese name it!  Now that I'm logging everything, I realize what a serving actually looks like...and I'm going through a lot less of it!  Also factor in the sodium...  Now I typically eat one cheese stick a day.  So...I'm thankful that cheese lasts forever and I don't need to buy anymore in 2013.  I will probably be bringing in cheese and crackers/fruit for snacks at school to help clean it all out.  

Maybe I'll show some other shots of the fridge later...I always find it interesting to see what people typically keep stocked.  Right now for me...this is about it!  A carton of eggs...some salad dressings...and a few veggies that need me to go and clean them!

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