Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Today I'm thankful that my dad's surgery went well!  He is on the long road to recovery and I'm thankful that I get to be home and help him out a bit.

I'm thankful for a group of ladies that can get together and talk about life, struggles, and the redemption and restoration that is found through Jesus...even if the meeting didn't got as intended.

I'm thankful for my GPS that helped me navigate crazy back roads with no detour signs.

I'm thankful for a comfy bed to curl up in...even though people are shooting off fireworks on the 11th of July at 11:00 at night!

Definitely feeling the Thursday funk today...but am glad that there are so many things to be thankful for!  

1 comment:

  1. Great attitude to have, I'm also glad to hear that your dad's surgery went well.
