Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Project 2014: Find Me a Man!

I try not to dwell on it a lot and very rarely speak about it publicly as not to seem too desperate, but this singleness stuff sucks!  There are so many things in life that would be (in theory) so much easier if I had a man around here!  These thoughts and emotions have been stewing in me the past few days as I've been snowed in...
8 Foot Drift…No BIG Deal!
School is Buried Closed!
For one thing…all of this snow has been insane!  I shoveled three different times on Sunday as it was coming down in hopes of alleviating some of the chore of doing it all at once.  Honestly, I enjoyed shoveling…the first two times.  The third time left me a little cranky and in a pity party. You see, the third time I spent about two hours wrestling with the insane amounts of snow at the bottom of my small driveway that was packed in by the snowplow.  This is always my least favorite part…the 4X12 stretch from hell.  There was no where to put the snow…the piles on either side of my driveway were already way taller than me. It would have been nice to have someone…anyone…share that burden with me.

I became especially cranky when my neighbors came out after I did and went in before me.  They had snowblowers and four wheelers with blades…even cleaned someone else's driveway that hadn't started!  Seriously?  What about me?  The person who has spent 4+ hours shoveling!  Could you help a woman out?  Ok…guess not.  

See…the part that really annoys me is that I became so bent out of shape over all this!  Why did they have to help the people that haven't even spent a moment outside today?  Can't they see that I'm struggling over here?  Oh…the people that live there are older? They probably couldn't do it themselves?  I have a scary ski mask on that makes me look like a bank robber?  I AM able?  Got it.  

I was HUNGRY after coming in from the cold.  I was trying to determine if I really was hungry or just wanted some solace.  I think it probably was a combination of the two…but being I had worked so hard the whole day I fixed myself a low calorie snack and went to bed.  

Yesterday was a good day.  I prepped food for the week and had an awesome day…until about 10:00 when the anxiety eating set in.  I realized at that point that the water I had set in my garage to "test" the temperature had frozen.  Eeek!  The last thing I wanted to happen was have my pipes freeze.  So I stuffed towels in the garage door to eliminate any draft…opened the screen on the screen door and opened the main door to the kitchen to share heat…set up a space heater to add a little warmth.  But what if my furnace stops?  What if the power goes out?  What if the space heater in the garage starts a fire and I don't realize it because I'm sleeping at the other end of the house?  What if…? Not to mention the crazy sounds coming from outside…which I learned this morning that I wasn't the only one being freaked out by these…

So…this kind of anxiety might explain why I'm still single!  :/  It would just be nice to have someone to talk to…someone to bounce ideas off of…someone else to share responsibility.  

As I lay in bed after turning off the space heater in the garage and eating 14 Starburst and two pieces of raisin Ezekiel bread…I prayed for peace…and slept like a baby.  Prayer…what novel idea!

So…I guess I'm ready for another day!  Still many thoughts to come on singleness…this was just the very tip of the iceberg and I'm sure there will be much more time for thinking as my snow shovel and I have a date...

Hopefully I don't freeze out there...

***And this is the very reason I didn't write this post as I was fuming the other night.  I just came in from shoveling my driveway and was only out there 20 minutes at most!  Yesterday I didn't step foot outside because the temps were ridiculously low and I couldn't get my front door open due to drifting.  I kept checking the status of my driveway throughout the day through a bedroom window.  I could see bare spots, but figured the garage door had a huge drift in front of it.  As I worked my way through the big drift at the front door and down the sidewalk…I realized that there were tracks on my driveway…my clear driveway!  Someone must have used their snowblower in my driveway yesterday!  I'm not sure how I didn't hear it, but I am so thankful that they helped share that burden with me.  This gave me plenty of energy to dig out my mailbox that was frozen shut!  So maybe  it should be "Project 2014:  Chill Out and Be Thankful"!

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