Saturday, January 4, 2014

A different way to look at things...

So we're 4 days into the new year and no day has been perfect…that's for sure!  Last year I read Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst.  Here are some of the notes that I took about not just relying on the scale to see progress.

Define your week by obedience, not by a number on the scale.

  1. Did I overeat this week on any day?
  2. Did I move more and exercise regularly?
  3. Do I feel lighter than I did at this time last week?
  4. Did I eat in secret or out of anger or frustration?
  5. Did I feel that at any point I ran to food instead of God?
  6. Before I hopped on the scale, did I think I'd had a successful week?
I think part of my problem is that I'm still on winter break, just waiting to go back to school, waiting for life to begin again.  I know…this is an excuse.  The biggest success that I had in 2013 was on my summer break when I had all the time in the world.  Another part of the problem is that it's freezing outside!  I was able to get in some good activity shoveling snow, but other than that, I want to stay snuggled up inside with a blanket and a movie.  

I've noticed the biggest issue for me arrises after 7 p.m.  By this time, my calorie count for the day is usually still in check.  But then I get bored…  I make the mistake of watching cooking shows on tv…or see too many pictures of yummy food on Facebook and Pinterest.  I start out only eating a portion of the less healthy food…and then decide I'm doing myself a favor by eating more.  Here's my theory:  If I finish this bag of chocolate…then I'll only mess up one day instead of two.  If I eat the rest of these cheetos, I'll have them out of the house (which was the case…until my mom brought them to me yesterday…couldn't just throw them out and waste "food"!) 

And that right there is the exact reason why the scale hasn't moved down in the past 4-5 months.  It's fluctuated up and down between 265-275 for week after week.  Of course I was frustrated…but unwilling to own the real issue.  

The good news is that I'm starting to own the issue.  Even though the habit hasn't died, I'm keeping track of it.  It kills me to track these numbers…and I about died as I reviewed what I've actually eaten!  
  • January 1: 1,822 (Not bad…but food included the last of the Gingerbread Twix, beef jerky, Cordial Blueberries, and Golden Graham Treats)
  • January 2: 2,871 (The last of the Cordial Blueberries, beef jerky, chocolate covered cherries, and Golden Graham Treats)
  • January 3: 2,400-2500 (A safe estimate…but I finished the Golden Graham Treats, finished the Cheetos, and ate a whole bag of croutons because I wanted something crunchy)
So far the day has started out well…and there really isn't much to choose from anymore (because I gave myself a "favor" earlier this week).  

Thank God for new beginnings!  

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