Sunday, January 19, 2014

Busy, busy, busy!

Wow!  I finally had a full week of school and it really wiped me out!  Things are still going well overall.  Meal planning has been wonderful in helping me stay on track.  I actually meet with the corporation wellness coach tomorrow to discuss my goal progress.  The last time we met I said I wanted to be more intentional with my evening meals.  I found that I was coming home starving and would grab the first thing I could find…which was usually junk.  I would fill up on snacky foods and not be hungry for dinner.  Then later at night I would be hungry again so I would eat more junk.  Vicious cycle that had me standing still in my weight loss journey.

So…the food part of life has been pretty good.  The exercise portion…not so much.  I've been meeting my steps and movement quota for the day, but honestly I haven't done anything on top of what my normal day requires.  SO…my goal this week is to actually exercise each day…even if it is only 10 minutes of intentional walking.

Well…I better get back in the kitchen to prep meals for this next week.  On the menu:  stuffed pepper soup, egg and veggie quiche, chicken with veggies and wild rice, taco salads?

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