Saturday, June 8, 2013

Kickin' Butt and Taking Names

The first week of summer vacation has been a success!  Unlike the last few posts...being alone has actually paid off.  I've been free to do whatever I want to do whenever I want to do it...even if I really don't want to!  :)

I started using Earndit to track my daily exercise.  It has been so stinkin' motivating!  You enter different competitions and work your butt off to earn points.  Depending on how many points you earn (max of 60 a day), you are entered into a drawing for that tier.  So...if you want to be eligible for the grand're going to run your sneakers out!  And that's exactly what I've been experiencing!

Two of the competitions that I'm in right now are month long...I have the whole month to earn 1,500 points.  Another one of the competitions is only a week long...and I totally slacked the first I only have 6 days to earn 360 points.  Holy toledo!  I'm doing it, though!

To give a little perspective...60 points is equivalent to about 2.5 hours of moderate exercise...or some very intentional walking.  That day when I slacked...I spent the day shopping and working in my flower beds outside.  It's not like I was just sitting around...I was moving.  That entire day I earned a whopping 3 points!  What doesn't kill you makes you stronger...I hope.

I am a little hesitant about this weekend.  I have a wedding to go to today and tomorrow I'm going to a baseball game with my family.  It will be fine to be around people...I love people. The concern comes in when there are limited food options and very little movement.  The wedding is 1.5 hours at least 3 hours in the car today!  I guess I had better stop blabbing and get outside to get some miles in!

I am going to do this...I am determined.


  1. You have the right attitude, no matter what happens as long as we keep trying eventually we will reach or goals. Earndit sounds pretty interesting, I think I might check it out. Good luck at the wedding I know how tough those things can be. I'm learning that even an inch of progress is better than not moving at all.

    1. Thanks! Earndit has been a huge motivator so far! The wedding and baseball game turned out great! I was able to keep within my calorie range and got some movement in!
