Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Double Edged Swords

The past few days have been filled with both victories and struggles.  I finally made it to the 270's...but haven't been able to move past 279 for several days.  I love using BodyMedia to track my movement and calorie intake.  However, I'm not a huge fan of when it tells me I'm not eating enough...or to eat more veggies when I'm constantly doing that.  With the weight not going down and it telling me to eat more...that's exactly what I've done.

It really started on Sunday when we went out to eat to celebrate Father's day.  I stayed within my calorie limit, but ate foods that I haven't recently eaten like a dinner roll, ranch dressing, and mashed potatoes with gravy.  That meal started a craving within me that followed into Monday where all I wanted to do was eat...but still managed to keep the calories in check...even if they weren't the best choices.

Then came Tuesday.  Lunch buffet at my training had baked potatoes with all of the fixings, salad, and cheese cake.  I didn't do awful...wish I would have skipped most of the potato and had another option rather than full fat dressing...but I survived.  I ate half of a piece of cheesecake.  I did ok.  THEN...when I came home I was instantly starving which resulted in me eating a whole bag of veggie chips...which is about 600 calories.  I totally went over the calorie limit today...probably by about 500 calories.

After I binged today, I felt defeated.  In fact, I went and laid down instead of getting out and exercising.    I fell asleep and slept soundly until 10:00 when I set my alarm.  I knew that would allow me 2 hours to finish getting my points for earndit.  I laid in bed and thought about it...to get up...or not to get up?  I needed those points in order to be eligible for the grand prize.  But I really wanted to just lay there and be defeated.   The good news is that I got up...and I exercised.  As I approached the 12:00 limit, I knew that it was going to be close.  I needed all of my points today in order to qualify.  I made it!  By the hair on my chinny-chin-chin...I made the 60 point mark just barely!   And as a bonus...I already have a few points for tomorrow too!

One more victory is that I earned two trophies today through Earndit!

I earned the Eager Beaver one for earning 40+ points a day for 7 days in a row and the Hump day one for exercising for 4 Wednesdays in a row!  How cool to have that kind of motivation!  

So...even though the day got kind of rough today with making poor choices, I didn't let it ruin me!  There is still hope and tomorrow (today) is a new day!  I just hope those numbers on the scale start going down again!

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