Friday, June 14, 2013

Transformation Journey

It's been a good week!  I have continued to work towards losing the extra pounds and it has paid off!  This morning I broke through a new barrier...I am now in the 270s!  I honestly do not remember when I last weighed that...possibly in middle school?  It feels good to make progress and I think it's becoming a little easier.  I don't have a problem turning down the whole bag of Doritos when I know that eating them will erase all of the work that I've been doing.  One serving of Doritos...that's a different story!  :) Also, this marks 50 pounds down from my heaviest known weight! That's a good feeling!

This past Sunday my church started a new series called T90X.  Transformation to the extreme!  I'm excited about it because we're going to be studying and talking about different areas of life that aren't always discussed in church...a true transformation of body, soul, and mind.  It seems to fit in so well with where I am in my own it!

I feel good right now...different.  I've always been so self-conscious of myself and being in public.  I never wanted to exercise because I'm sure nobody wants to see that...  In fact, I would cringe when I met people on the sidewalk while walking.  Instantly I would wonder what they were thinking about me as the dialogue started in my head.  A good thing happened the other day that made this a little bit easier for me...  I was walking around the neighborhood as it was getting a little darker out and we were expecting a huge storm.  A lady stopped me and made sure that I lived close because it looked liked the clouds were about ready to open.  That was so very kind of her...she didn't need to do it...and it just made me feel better.

Hopefully the next time I write I'll have met my 10% goal...

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