Sunday, June 23, 2013

This too shall pass...

I find myself losing a few pounds and then not being able to break through certain numbers.  Like 282...I was there for 2-3 weeks easily without making it under.  My new number is 279.  It's been so stubborn...and I've become impatient.  I had a few bad days last week where I binged and ate just to eat.  I got frustrated with the scale and allowed food to control me.  The other thing that frustrated me was not actually meeting the necessary point requirements for Earndit.  They showed up that night, but the next day, the points were gone!  I know that my dedication to the process was almost becoming an idol in my idol that I wasn't able to serve when I went back to work for a week.

The good news is that I get fresh starts!  Saturday I laced up my sneakers and got in an awesome walk. My food choices have been solid...I'm back on track.  Hopefully the scale will reflect my efforts and I'll be on my merry way again.

I have noticed a difference in my's starting to hang loose a tad and I've only lost 50 pounds.  I can't imagine what my body will look like when this is all said and done...I just hope and pray that I will not allow that fear to hold me back.  I feel so much better now that I'm more active and I'm eating better foods.  I've read many stories of people who have fought the good fight only to put all of the weight back on.  I can't do that.  I've started to go through some of my clothes.  Part of me wants to keep the stuff because I love it...but the other part of me knows that that is just one more excuse to eat that bag of chips or piece of cake.

It's not happening as fast as I'd like it to...but life change is indeed happening!


  1. I lost 80 lbs at one point, and got to my goal weight. I have bounced up from then, but not all the way back. I need to lose about 45 lbs now, and I'm at my worst, but I can tell you that those positive changes you have made will allow you to put on the breaks, unlike before you started. The healthy lifestyle, if it's a permanent change, is a safety net. It's only when you ditch it (as I sort of did) that you will spiral back up.

    It sounds like you're doing this the right way. You got this. :) Don't be afraid, because you're not choosing to come at this with a temporary fix.
