Monday, September 30, 2013

A First... dawned on me the other day that I am no longer 100+ pounds over my recommended weight for my age and height!  I appreciate these sorts of victories...even if I'm still 99 pounds over!

I haven't really been following too much of a program lately, but still am managing to lose a little weight.  I keep thinking of the great successes I could be having if I really gave it my all...and then I go for the serving of ice cream because it's been a long day!  I'm very much a time table sort of person...I'll start next month will be different...I'll start again on Sunday...  Well tomorrow starts October!  My goal is to shape things up a bit.  I would LOVE to be at my goal weight by this summer. I can do this...I know I can!

Life has been busy...and good!  I'm a fan of how things are going right now...and it's been a LONG time since I've been able to say that!  I'm a part of some good small groups through participating in a body image life group...and have volunteered to become a mentor for some college girls.  I am in SUCH a different place than I was a year ago...even six months ago!

I know...quite a bit of rambling...but I'm tired!  Perhaps a better update will come along one of these days!

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