Saturday, August 24, 2013


I've survived the first 1.5 weeks of school!  It's been challenging...but good at the same time.  I love knowing that I am helping change lives everyday.  It's nice to see the little progress ALREADY in the kiddos that have come to school with so many obstacles in their lives.

Weight loss has been good for me.  I've lost the pounds that I gained after intermittent binge eating and a pulled hamstring.  My leg is SO much better, but I'm still not 100%.  I have some subtle numbness in my foot so I'm hesitant to start running...and even stairs are a little challenging.

People at work have been very complimentary of my progress.  This time it's helping!  I'm wearing "new" clothes everyday from my closet and feeling great about it.  I did stop by Goodwill the other night.  While looking for something else, I decided to swing by an look at the pants.  I found two nice pairs of dress pants that I just couldn't pass up for $8 total.  They don't fit right at the moment...but I'm sure in a few weeks they will be just fine.  Hopefully in a few more weeks they won't fit at all!  I'm turning into a dreamer...and I'm liking it...especially when those dreams come true!  At least now I won't be pant-less when the fall weather rolls in!

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