Sunday, November 25, 2012

Singleness is a gift...?

It's been a long time since I've blogged!  A lot has happened in the last few months, but not too many things that are out of the ordinary.  I've been struggling lately with a variety of things...

Singleness is tough.  There are so many things that happen in my daily life where it would just be nice to have a man around.  My car breaks...the lawn mower won't start...the satellite dish is hanging off my roof...I have a church event to go to.  Life, in so many ways, would be easier if I had someone to walk along side of me.

It's tough to think that I'm getting older...and I'm still alone.  Does no one want me?  Find me desirable?  Want to love me?  When will he come along?

His timing is perfect.  I must. remember. this.

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